“Les Tonneliers" - Wicked Weed Funkatorium

Les Tonneliers

Wicked Weed Funkatorium
  • The Mural:

    Wicked Weed’s Funkatorium, 147 Coxe Avenue, features “Les Tonneliers” by artist Jordan Atkinson. You will find the mural on the northern side of the building facing the outdoor patio area. Inspired by the brewer’s barrel aged sour beer program, this work pays homage to traditional barrel makers, known as coopers, in a trade dating back as far as 2600 B.C. The far left of the mural shows a cooper hammering a metal hoop. To the right of that is a cooper setting a stave - the wooden pieces that make up a barrel.  And to the far right is a cooper attaching the metal hoop to a barrel which holds it all together.  Adorning the background, is a mind-bending, surrealist flower motif to represent the sour beer experience.

    Artist: Jordan Atkinson

    Artist Jordan Atkinson made many contributions to the Asheville mural scene. Now living in Seattle, WA, Jordan works in a variety of mediums including painting, drawing, digital media, industrial design and sculpture. While in Asheville, Jordan worked as a bartender for craft brewer Wicked Weed and was given the opportunity to design murals, logos, packaging, posters and even tap handles for the brand.  

    To learn about Jordan Atkinson: www.jatkinsonstudios.com      

    Instagram: @atkinson.studios

  • Blazes: No